Parallel to the analysis and debate on critical topics regarding Latin American and Caribbean development, in the ALIDE 40th General Assembly held in Fortaleza (Brazil), the development banks members of ALIDE solved institutional matters such as electing the Board of Directors for the 2010-2012 period, renewing their trust for the team led by Roberto Smith. This last May 14th not only the President of the Banco do Nordeste de Brasil (BNB), Roberto Smith, was again chosen ALIDE President, but also Rodrigo Sánchez Mujica, General Director of FIRA (Funds Instituted in Relation with Agriculture – Banco de México) and Fernando Calloia, President of Banco de la República del Uruguay (BROU), as the two vice-presidents of this international body.
Additionally, Gustavo Ardila Latiff, President of Banco de Comercio Exterior de Colombia (Bancoldex) and Arthur Rosaria, Executive Director of Corporation for the Development of Curaçao (KORPODEKO) were reelected.
Mauro Alem, President of Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior (BICE), Argentina, and Federico Antún, CEO of Banco Nacional de Vivienda (BNV), Dominican Republic, joined them as directors..